Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Cobblestone pavement and a great Music store

All the eventualities of probing and playing my Greg Benneth had come to a stand-still when I learnt that its cable port is damaged, creating all sorts of unwanted noises while playing. I was worried more because I'd taken it to a well-known repair center in the city but somehow, it didn't work. They just ruled out any prospects of getting it fixed as it's now a vintage piece of guitar and doesn't have any options to open up.

Browsing through the net, I found this store called N. Lewis & Son in Benson Town, Bangalore. I sent in an email enquiry and yonder….after a couple of days I had this unanticipated reply from Noel.

Though I was intrigued, I drove all the way around 20kms with a very little hope to "Miller Road" in Benson Town, Bangalore. I must confess, the place is awesome with a cobblestone pavement, warm people around and a piano classes going on already. One could feel the peace and music in the air. The little guy on the keys was learning to play "You are my sunshine"; the legendary song originally first recorded by Jimmie Davis in 1940. A couple of other fellows were busy repairing a huge wooden piano outside.

I was delighted to meet Mr. Noel behind the desk who greeted me with a pleasant smile and warm handshake. I could notice the guitars hanging on the walls and so many accessories lying all around. I explained my guitar's glitch to Mr. Noel who gave me the assurance of getting it fixed and done within a day. They have some of the most proficient , fully equipped store for repairing guitars, piano and most other sorts of musical instruments.

I somehow wanted my guitar to be fixed as early as possible as I couldn't just break my routine of playing it almost every day. After picking up the guitar from Noel's store last week, I went home and tried it out. My daughter Jesslyn who's now 4, also loves to be around all the time while I'm playing. She sings too and asks me out for the strums support. It's really so wonderful to know that by the grace of God, she's already started off singing and knowing the rhythm patterns, pitch recognition and tempo. So as I was probing and testing my guitar, she started off singing. It got on record by my wife and I posted her first raw singing onto the YouTube. No light effects, no vocal or video editing…just raw natural voice with me on the guitar in our living room taken on my Moto G4+.

I just hope it went well...please do watch and comment on Jessy singing with me on my 🎸 strums.


Joy Joseph Morani said...

Bro it's very well !superb the way of singing ,and dancing! She is so Adorable !she is singing with enthusiasm! God bless you jessy ! Keep it up!!!

Joy Joseph Morani said...

Bro it's very well The way of singing and dancing ! She is so Adorable ! And She is singing with enthusiasm ! May God bless you Jessy ! Keep it up baby !

Alexa said...

A great piece of article, well composed. Enjoyed reading. Keep it coming.

PD'Mello said...

Nice article, well written. Amazing song too...Keep it up little angel

Alexa said...

Yeah right, absolutely.

Anonymous said...

Good one...

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written..Is this in India?