Friday, June 5, 2020

The Childhood -Golden days

This video is made is from the collection of pics and videos put together from the "Retirement Ceremony" of my father. My father retired from his services to Central Government of India (National Water Academy). He was working as a PA to Chief Engineer. This video captures all those beautiful moments of pics, videos, throwback of testimonies pouring in from my elder brother Jerison and my father's colleagues. Also, I have a short clip of my song sang along with my wife Siji on my guitar strums. My dad also had addressed on the occasion.


It was an emotional and touching moment. Having spent almost a couple of decades in the campus, it was difficult to part with the vicinity so close to our hearts. A vicinity, where the golden days of our childhood were spent, where we grew up and experienced the beauty, peace and serenity of nature. We loafed around, played with friends every evening, cycled until the dark through every twists and turns and mud tracks. During the rain these cobblestone pathways, mud tracks, broken roads and potholes had its own beautiful stories to tell.

The beautiful innocent days of childhood....!

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